Think equities 'Rajesh ghai: while the cost of material may decrease slightly with the slimmer form factor, we expect the increased manufacturing costs to offset the savings. ThinkEquities的拉杰什•盖伊:虽然iPad2厚度的减少,有助于其稍稍压缩材料成本,不过我们认为制造成本的上升会将其抵消。
Double color oil seal, The part of the lip is made of FKM, and the outer part is made of ACM, which reduces the cost of the material. 双色油封,唇口部位采用氟橡胶,静密封部位采用丙烯酸酯胶,降低了材料成本。
Because of the high cost of raw material, we find it difficult to 由于原材料成本很高,我们认为很难
The price of the finished product consists of the cost of your material, making charges and handling charges. 制成品的价格包括原材料成本、加工费及经营费。
To carry the burden of the instrument, count the cost of its material, and never to know that it is for music, is the tragedy of deaf life. 带着乐器的负担,计算它材料的价钱,而从来不去了解那是奏音乐的东西。
He put up his price to offset the increase cost of material. 他提高了售价以补偿材料成本的增加。
The cost of raw material has gone up recently. 最近原材料的价格都上涨了。
The function of the product, its appearance, the cost of the material, and the cost of fabrication are important in making a selection. 对产品的功能,它的外观、材料的成本、制造的成本作出必要的选择是十分重要的。
Except the cost of raw material, logistics cost is the highest cost payment item in manufacturing enterprises. 在生产企业中,物流成本是除原材料成本之外的最大成本支出项目。
The results showed that the properties of PA66 were improved and the cost of material was decreased with the addition of the superfine acicular datolite short-fiber. 实验表明,超细针状硅灰石短纤维的加入不仅使PA66的各种性能得到改善,而且原料成本有所下降。
You know, the price of steel be go up, owing to the rise in the cost of raw material. 你知道,由于原材料涨价,钢价一直在上涨。
The results showed that the heating expense of the gas ( except the cost of material) was similar to that of coal. 结果表明:生物质可燃气采暖费用(扣除秸秆原料费)与用煤采暖费用相当;
Reducing the workload of material handling is the most important part of cutting down the cost of material flow. 减少物料搬运工作量是减少物流成本的一个重要方面。
The fibre box package CAD can make the fibre box design with less cost of material, distribution and storage in this thesis. The optimal design is also obtained. 本文提出的瓦楞纸箱CAD,能使瓦楞纸箱包装设计用料成本、运输成本、仓储成本的包装总成本最小,因而最优。
The account of the production material consumed is not clear or accuracy. The cost of material handle will be increased a lot. 因生产物料的消耗情况不明而造成整个生产物流系统的成本增加。
Some features of assembly multinational companies are: the cost of material takes big percentage of total product cost, there are many kinds of materials, there are plenty of suppliers. 装配型跨国公司由于材料成本占整个产品成本比例较大,材料数量较多,供应商较多,对采购的要求较其它类型的公司大,所以采购的战略地位也较高。
On condition that the same properties are maintained, pulse plating can reduce the thickness of the deposit by 1/ 3 to 1/ 2, thus cutting down the cost of material ( gold and silver, etc) by 10% to 20%. 在满足相同的镀层性能指标的前提下,它可使镀层厚度减薄1/3~1/2,进而可节约原材料(如黄金、银等)10~20%。
Thus, the comprehensive utilization of fluorgypsum can not only solve the environmental pollution, but also reduce the production cost of building material. Both social and economic benefits are remarkable. 这样既解决了环境污染,实现了化工废渣的资源化利用,又大大降低了所生产的建筑材料的生产成本,社会效益和经济效益显著。
It makes the cost of devices decrease greatly because of low cost of material and simpleness of fabrication when polymeric material is used to research devices of photoelectron and integrated optics. 采用有机聚合物材料进行光电子与集成光学器件的研究,材料价廉,工艺过程简单,这使得器件成本大幅度降低。
By using corn grits as the accessory material instead of rice in beer production, the cost of material can be reduced by 14 RMB Yuan/ t, hence resulting in remarkable economical benefits. 玉米糁粒度应保持在14~30目之间,采用玉米糁取代大米做辅料酿制啤酒,原料成本可减少14元/t,具有显著的经济效益。
Rapid rise of the cost of raw material promotes the enterprise to maximally reduce the weight of raw material. 原材料成本的快速提高,促使企业最大限度地追求减少产品的原材料重量。
But the excessive cost of material and the pollution of wasted liquid have seriously restricted the speedy development of biodiesel. 然而,原料成本过高和生产过程中的废液污染严重制约着生物柴油产业的快速发展。
It can save the cost of material handling, shorten production cycle time, accelerate production process and circulation of Floating capital. 它不仅可以节省物料搬运费用,缩短生产周期,而且能加快生产流程和流动资金周转。
Scale reared free-range pigs than the cost of material costs, the retail cost of feeding was significantly higher than the scale of artificial feeding. 规模饲养的生猪物质费用成本高于散养,散户饲养的人工成本明显高于规模饲养。
Secondly, it is the cost control of material consumption. 二是物资消耗成本的控制。
Meanwhile to guarantee the smoothly implementation, we offered the measures of reducing the cost of material, strengthening technical innovation and R& D. 同时为保证营销策略的顺利实施,提出了降低原材料成本、加大技术创新和研发力度等措施。
It has become a third profit source except reducing the cost of material and improving productivity. 发展农产品物流,是降低物资消耗、提高劳动生产率以外的第三利润泉。